Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Sentinel 2B Launch

The Copernicus snentinel 2B satellite will ride into space on a vega rocket from European Spaceport on 7th March 2017 at 01:49 GMT . Sentinel 2B is already in its stand for seven week campaign for its test. And later it well be prepared to lift up from the spaceport into the orbit by a Vega Rocket...

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Trappist-1 New Planets of Aquarius Constellation

TRAPPIST-1 DETAILS: Constellation: Aquarius Distance      : 39 Light years Surface Gravity: 5.2 cgs Temperature : 2550 K Rotation      : 1.40 days Age             : 1 Gyears Description :        ...

Lasers in Space Broadband

            In this modern period thev internet connection isv gettingv slower and slower. So as to increase the speed and for faster communication with satellites, Nasa decided to use lasers. For decades radio waves were used for transmission between earth and satellites.....

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Dawn discovers Organic Materials

      ESA's Dawn spacecraft had found some evidence for the presence of organic materials on the Ceres, a dwarf planet. It is the largest body in the asteroid belt, which is found between Mars and Jupiter. Scientists have found this organic material by visible and infrared mapping...

Juno Mission till 2018

Juno Jupiter Orbital around gas giant since July 4,2016 will remain to active till July 2018. It is in its current 53 day orbit around Jupiter. This will allow Juno to accomplish its goals, avoiding the risk of engine firing previously.. It already reduced the orbital period of 14 days of this Spacecraft....

Sunday, 19 February 2017

ESA's Mars Express beams its images.

European Space Agency's Mars express sent a image of Mars Polar Ice cap on the Martian Surfac...

Friday, 17 February 2017

Alnitak Star

           Students from (ACPU) Astro Club Of Pondicherry University took photo of Alnitak Star from their hand made telescope. The southern most bright star in the Orion belt.. Congrats and All the very best to ACPU students. Pondicherry Universit...

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Mariner 3 Spacecraft


Monday, 13 February 2017

History of first five spacecraft to Mars


Mariner 3 Spacecraft

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Hourglass Nebulae

            The Hourglass Nebulae otherwise called Mycn18 is located 8000 light years away from earth. This picture has been composed of three separate images taken in the light if  ionized nitrogen (represented by red) doubly ionized oxygen (blue) hydrogen (green)....

Cartosat 2D PSLV-C37

          Cartosat-2D is the fifth Earth observation satellite of ISRO. It will separate first from on board of Pslv C37 after launch. It is the heaviest spacecraft among all satellites weighing 714 Kg. It will be injected to Sun Synchronous Polar Orbit and will be brought...

PSLV C37 launch on Feb 15, 2017

India is going to make a  world record history by launching 104 satellites in a single Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle PSLV C37.. It will be launched on February 15 at 9.28 AM. INDIAN SATELLITES:- 1. Cartosat 2D 2. INS 1A 3. INS 1B       Other 101 satellites on board from counties...

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Supernova Exploison in 2022

SUPERNOVA EXPLOSION IN 2022        Since decades research have been going on about the supernova blast. Researchers said that in 2022 there will be a huge explosion of supernova in our Milky way galaxy. We can see the explosive light of supernova from Earth with our naked eye....

Friday, 10 February 2017

Feb-14 Ariane 5 Launch

   Intelsat 32e/sky Brasil and Telkom 3s Name : Intelsat 32e/sky Brasil and Telkom3s Launch : 14 February 2017 Rocket   : Ariane 5ECA Site        : Kourou French, Guiana Purpose: Television Broadcast and Mobile networks OVERVIEW:-        ...

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Mariner 3

Name            :Mariner 3Launch         :05 November 1964Rocket  Atlas: LV-3 Agenda DLaunch site  :Cape Canaveral Last Contact : 6 November 1964Mission Overview:-           Mariner 3 was launched in 5 November...

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

First Five Spacecraft to Mars


Mangalyaan-India On Mars


Planets don't have Moons.

Mercury and Venus are the first and second planet from the Sun. Mercury is the planet which is close to Sun, but the hotter planet is Venus. It is because , the planet has high gas content which makes it too hotter than Mercury. The two planets do not have Moon...

Falcon 9 Launch on Feb 14

A Space x falcon 9 rocket will launch the 12 th Dragon Spacecraft on the 10 th operational international cargo delivery to the International Space Station. The flight is being taken under Commercial Resupply Services contact with NASA.  ...

Calabash Nebulae ( Rotten egg's Nebulae )

   The calabash nebulae is known as rotten egg nebulae, it is transitioning from red giant nebulae to planet nebulae.. It is located nearly 5000 light years from the Earth. It mostly contains sulfur, that's why it is called rotten egg's nebulae... This image has been taken by esa/ NASA...

Mars 2MV-3 No.1

LANDER DETAILS:-Name              : Mars 2MV-3 No.1Mission Type : LanderLaunch           : 4 November 1962Rocket             : Molniya 8k78Decay date     : 25 November 1962DESCRIPTION:-    Mars...

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Mars 1 Flyby

Spacecraft Details:-Name                         : Mars 1Launch                     : 1 November 1962Owner               ...

NGC-6861 Hubble Space Telescope

This is NGC 6861, seen by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. One of the Most prominent features in the disk of dark bands circling the centre of thus galaxy. These dust lanes are a result of large clouds of dust particles obscuring the light emitted by the Stars behind them. The subject of...