Wednesday 8 February 2017

Calabash Nebulae ( Rotten egg's Nebulae )

   The calabash nebulae is known as rotten egg nebulae, it is transitioning from red giant nebulae to planet nebulae.. It is located nearly 5000 light years from the Earth. It mostly contains sulfur, that's why it is called rotten egg's nebulae... This image has been taken by esa/ NASA Hubble space telescope..

It look like yellow color due to sulfur content. It moves with a speed of 1 million kilometer per hour...

The gas in blue is the surrounding material being pushed out of the way. The big acceleration likely started about 800 years ago,according to NASA. But the frantic pace won't last long, on a cosmic scale, before it transitions to a more long-lasting, slowly expanding feature.


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