Monday, 9 January 2017

Biggest Sun Scuti

                           UY Scuti

  UY Scuti is a red pulsating very luminous supergiant star that can be located in the constellation of Scutum.

UY Scuti is one of the largest giant stars in the milky way if not possibly the universe. It is not as some might think in our Solar System, it is the centre of its own Solar System. In fact, UY Scuti is located close to the supermassive Black Hole Sagittarius A*, the centre of our galaxy a.k.a. Galactic Centre. However as we are unable to measure all the stars, we will not know if that is the case that it is the largest in Universe. To put it in context, if the centre of UY Scuti was where our Sun was, the star`s radius would extend out to Jupiter or even as far as Saturn. The only other star that can challenge the star for size is NML Cygni. UY Scuti is marginally in the grand sphere of things bigger than NML Cygni and both if placed in our solar system, would stretch out further than the orbit of Jupiter. To put it another way, it is 1.708 times the Sun`s radius with a variance of about +/i 192.ref:Aanda. 

It is a semiregular variable star in that it expands and contracts on an irregular base. The star roughly pulsates about every 740 days. The figure given for its radius is the mean size. ref:wiki Due to its size, it is not going to live as long as Alpha Centauri which the later is a smaller but burns through its energy at a slower pace. It is currently fusing main helium, of whats left of its hydrogen reserves are small contained in its core. It will one day go supernova or more appropriately to say hypernova.

If you`re struggling to put UY Scuti`s size into context, try this. If the Earth was 20cm, the Sun would be 22 meters across and UY Scuti would be 40 km. To give you another idea of how big it is, it would take a plane travelling at the speed of light, 14.5 seconds to travel round the Sun, it would take seven hours for the same object to travel round UY Scuti.

You might think that because the star is a massive star, its temperature would match its size. The actual truth is far from that, UY Scuti`s temperature is about 3,000 kelvin based on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Size does not normally equate to temperature, its the colour that dictates the temperature. The more blue, the less red it is, the hotter the temperature is. 

The location is an estimated location for the star but it gives you an idea where in the constellation`s boundary that the star can be located. Even though the star is very large, it is faint in the night sky and you will not be able to see it unaided without the help of a pair of binoculars or telescope. It was only discovered in 1860 by German astronomers at Bonn University during a night survey. Although, there is a star within the circle, I`m not saying it is UY SCUTI.

It will go supernova one day but even though it is a large star, it will not go supernova for nearly the next million years as it works through the elements in it core until it gets to Iron. After Iron, it will not be able to continue to fuse elements any further. It is expected to heat up and become a yellow hypergiant star and also most likely shrink as it is become a hypergiant. When it goes Supernova, we`ll be too far away for it to have any direct effect on our planet and whatever life is on the planet will be unaffected. Long before UY Scuti goes supernova, Betelgeuse will have gone supernova before hand and its a smaller star.It will either become a Neutron Star or a black hole. It is not a Black Hole now, just a very very large star nearing the end of its life.

It might well be a titch to the largest star in the universe but there being so many stars not just in this galaxy but others means we don`t know and will never know. The largest star could be in the Andromeda Galaxy for example or even in IC1101, the currently recognised largest galaxy so far discovered in the galaxy, we just don`t know. 

There is at yet no Extrasolar Planet (Exoplanet) discovered in orbit round the planet although possible, is probably most unlikely. A planet would be tiny compared to the star and detecting a planet from a wobble would be an immense challenge.

Location of UY Scuti

The location of the star in the galaxy is determined by the Right Ascension (R.A.) and Declination (Dec.), these are equivalent to the Longitude and Latitude on the Earth. The Right Ascension is how far expressed in time (hh:mm:ss) the star is from celestial equator. The Declination is how up or down compared to the celestial equator and is expressed in degrees. For UY Scuti, the location is 18h 27m 36.5334 and -12 d 27 ` 58.866 .

Physical Properties/View of UY Scuti

UY Scuti has a spectral type of M4Ia-Iab. This means the star is (M) red coloured (Ia) very luminous supergiant. UY Scuti lies at a distance of 9,500.00 light years away from our Sun and our planet Earth or to put it another way, 2,912.65 parsecs away from the Sun. 

UY Scuti has an apparent magnitude of 11.20 which is how bright we see the star from Earth. Apparent Magnitude is also known as Visual Magnitude. Magnitude, whether it be apparent/visual or absolute magnitude is measured by a number, the smaller the number, the brighter the Star is. Our own Sun is the brightest star and therefore has the lowest of all magnitudes, -26.74. A faint star will have a high number. The stars temperature has been calculated at between 2400 and 3700 based on the Class Type and lookup at Wikipedia-Stellar Classification

UY Scuti Radius has been calculated as being 1,708.00 times bigger than the Sun. The Sun's radius is 695,800km, therefore the star's radius is an estimated 1,188,426,400.00. km.

Variable Type of UY Scuti

The star is a pulsating Semiregular s, which are giants or supergiants of intermediate and late spectral variable type which means that its size changes over time. The Variable Type is usually named after the first star of that type to be spotted.

UY Scuti Facts

Traditional NameUY Scuti
Celestial TypeStar
Apparent Magnitude11.20
Right Ascension (R.A.)18h 27m 36.5334
Declination (Dec.)-12 d 27 ` 58.866
Distance from the Sun / Earth9,500.00 Light Years
Spectral TypeM4Ia-Iab
Colour (M) red
Star Type (Ia) very luminous supergiant.
Variable Star ClassPulsating
Variable Star TypeSemiregular s, which are giants or supergiants of intermediate and late spectral
Radius (x the Sun)1,708.00
Calculated Temperature Range2,400.00 - 3,700.00

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