Thursday 15 June 2017


     BepiColombo will become third spacecraft to Mercury scheduled to launch in October 2018.. It is a joint mission between European Space Agency and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency to the Mercury. This mission comprises of two satellite Mercury Planetary Orbiter and Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter. This satellites will study Mercury's magnetic field,magnetosphere and Interior structure. 

  • To study the origin and evolution of Mercury
  • To study planet's interior structure, geology, composition and craters
  • To study mercury's exosphere composition and dynamics
  • To study planets Magnetosphere and origin of Mercury magnetic field
  • To verify the Einstein's theory of relativity by measuring gamma and beta parameters

BepiColombo has two components.They are
  1. Mercury Transfer Module
  2. Mercury Planetary Orbiter
  • BELA - BepiColombo Laser Altimeter
  • ISA -Italian Spring Accelerometer
  • MERMAG - Mercury Magnetometer
  • MERTIS - Mercury Thermal Infrared Spectrometer
  • MGNS - Mercury Gamma ray and Neutron Spectrometer
  • MIXS - Mercury Imaging X-Ray Spectrometer
  • MORE - Mercury Orbiter Radio Science Experiment
  • PHEBUS - Probing of Hermean Exosphere by Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
  • SERENA - Neutral and Ionised particle Analyser
  • SIMBIO-SYS - Spectrometers and Imager
  • SIXS - Solar Intensity X-Ray Spectrometer 
INSTRUMENTS OF MMO (Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter)
  •  MPPE - Mercury Plasma Perticle Experiment
    • MEA - Mercury Electron Analyser
    • MIA - Mercury Ion Analyser
    • MSA - Mass Spectrum Analyser
    • HEP-Ion - High Energy Ions
    • HEP-ele - High Energy Electrons
    • ENA - Energetic Neutrals Analyzer
  • MGF - Magnetic Field Investigation
  • PWI - Plasma Wave Investigation
  • MSASI - Mercury Sodium Atmosphere Spectral Imager
  • MDM - Mercury Dust Monitor
   BepiColombo will be launched from Guiana Space Center using Ariane 5 Rocket which was contracted by Ariane Space Agency on October 2018 as planned. The spacecraft will be operated by European Space Agency and Japan Space Agency (JAXA). Duration of the mission is planned for one year but may be extended depend on the fuel and working efficiency.


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